How to Access the Akashic Records: Practical Tips

Learn practical tips for accessing the Akashic Records. Understand the steps and techniques to tap into this spiritual archive for personal growth and insight.

How to Access the Akashic Records: Practical Tips
How to Access the Akashic Records: Practical Tips





In the previous blog about the Akashic Records (if you haven't read it, you can read it here), I talk at a general level about what ARs are, which is why on this occasion, I would like to address this topic in more depth.


On a personal level, I would like to tell you that I learned about the Akashic Records thanks to a friend who told me about it after I confessed to her that I had had some experiences that I didn't know what name to give them, how to explain them or what they were due to. I had kept it to myself for several years for fear of what people would say. So after making sure that she was interested in spiritual topics and that we actually had more things in common than we thought, we made a nice connection and she told me about someone who did AR readings and who, in turn, provided courses on this topic, which she herself had already taken and told me “I think you should try this way to understand what you couldn't understand.”


For my birthday in 2023, this dear friend gifted me the course (levels 1 and 2) of the Akashic Records, but since the teacher is in Argentina and I am based in India, I took the classes by video call only in February 2024. I had finally begun to understand a little better what was happening to me, and how happy I was! Today, I continue practicing, I am not ready to do the master's course yet but I know I am on the right track. However, I know some people want to know more about the Akashic Records or perhaps do not fully understand what it is (and many other questions).


So, if you are here reading this, it is no mere coincidence! In this blog, I am going to explain many things that I know you would like to know.



What are the Akashic Records?

What are the Akashic Records?


Although in the previous blog I explained what the Akashic Records are, in this new opportunity, I would like to expand this concept a little more.


The Akashic Records are considered a vibrational archive that documents the journey of each soul, encompassing past, present, and future possibilities. Imagine it as an energetic library filled with every thought, word, and action of every soul throughout its existence, spanning past lives, present lives, and potential futures.


It is believed that every living being has an Akashic Record, which offers endless questions to explore with the guidance of spiritual teachers and loved ones, leading to transformative insights on one's path.


For those unfamiliar with the Akashic Records, Linda Howe, author of "How to Read the Akashic Records," describes them as follows:


"The Akashic Records provide empowerment and transformation by offering the precise wisdom, guidance, and energetic support needed in this life. Traditionally, the Records (an energetic archive of a soul's past, present, and future potentials) were accessible only to mystics, saints, and scholars. However, today, with the evolution of humanity's collective consciousness, individuals increasingly recognize their ability to connect directly with their spiritual source and cultivate that sacred relationship."


Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic medium who made the concept of the Akashic Records widely known, characterized them as the "supercomputer system" of the Universe. He explained:


"The Akashic Records, or 'The Book of Life,' serve as the universe's central repository of all information about every individual who ever lived on Earth. These Records contain not only events but also every action, word, emotion, thought, and intention that has occurred in the history of the world. They are more than a memory bank, they actively influence our daily lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potential realities that we attract. They connect everyone, and contain the complete story of every soul since the dawn of Creation.”



Who are the Masters, Loved Ones and Lords of the Akashic Records?

Who are the Masters, Loved Ones and Lords of the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are guarded by a group of non-physical Beings of Light known as the Lords of the Records. These beings guarantee the security and integrity of the Records and determine who can access them and what information can be shared. The Lords of the Records collaborate with the Masters and loved ones, who act as intermediaries between the Akashic and earthly realms, transmitting the necessary information during each Akashic reading.


You can think of AR Masters, loved ones, and Teachers as your spiritual support team.


The “Masters” are non-physical beings who have accompanied you throughout each life, guiding your soul on its journey.


The “Teachers” are those who have instructed you throughout your lives. They may include well-known historical figures.


“Loved Ones” are members of your soul family, which extends beyond your blood relatives, and have been with you in every life.


Although the Lords of the Records and Akashic Masters are non-physical beings, some Masters and all Loved Ones have lived as humans on Earth.


When working with the Akashic Records, you will not always physically see the Lords of the Records, nor will you see the Masters and Loved Ones in their human forms. However, you may feel their energetic presence if a Teacher or Loved One decides that it is appropriate and necessary to communicate specific information.


Typically, Masters, Lords, and Loved Ones choose to remain anonymous to encourage us to trust the energy of the Records rather than focus on specific identities within them.



What are the Origins of the Akashic Records? Are They Linked to Any Specific Religion?

What are the Origins of the Akashic Records? Are They Linked to Any Specific Religion?


The term "Akasha" comes from Sanskrit and translates as "heaven" or "ether." Its concept has been recognized in several ancient cultures and religions, including those of the Indians, Jews, Egyptians, Chinese, Moors, Druids, Persians, Tibetans, Greeks, and Mayans. These cultures referenced Akasha in their ancient texts long before it was known in Western societies.


In his book “The Self-Actualizing Cosmos: The Akasha Revolution in Science and Human Consciousness,” Ervin Laszlo analyzes the philosophical roots of the Akashic Records:


“Samkhya, one of India's earliest philosophical teachings, proposed the existence of a repository of knowledge located in a non-physical plane of reality, known as the Akashic Records.


The Hindu rishis, or seers, elaborated this idea into a comprehensive cosmology, postulating five elements of the cosmos instead of the traditional four. These elements include Vata (air), Agni (fire), Ap (water), Prithivi (earth), and Akasha, which is variously described as space, brilliance, or all-encompassing light. Akasha is considered the primary element that encompasses and transcends others, existing beyond the limits of space and time. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, Akasha is the subtle backdrop against which everything in the material universe becomes visible."


References to Akasha throughout history:


  • In the Bible, it is referred to as the Book of Life.
  • The Old Testament speaks of a collection of knowledge inscribed in the fabric of reality.
  • In Psalm 139, David describes how God has recorded every detail of his life, including imperfections and future actions.
  • The ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas believed that each soul recorded its entire existence in a "book."
  • Nostradamus claimed to access the Akasha using methods derived from Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and Kabbalah.


The first Westerner to refer to the Records was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) through her theosophical teachings. She described them as a life force with "indestructible tablets of astral light", although he did not use the term "akashic" used specifically in the literature. The concept was later introduced by Alfred Percy Sinnett in his book Esoteric Buddhism (1883), where he coined the term "Akashic Record." He cited Henry Steel Olcott's “A Buddhist Catechism” (1881), which stated that "Buddha taught that two things are eternal: 'Akasa' and 'Nirvana'."


The Akashic Records were popularized in the early 20th century thanks to psychic medium and metaphysical teacher Edgar Cayce.


Whether called the Akashic Records, The Book of Life, or Akasha, these records offer many ways to access the limitless field of all past, present, and future knowledge. They are not limited to a single culture or religion but are considered a cosmic phenomenon.



You can also read Meditation Techniques in Hindu Spirituality



How to Access the Akashic Records?

How to Access the Akashic Records?


We all have the ability to read our own Akashic Records, tapping into this inexhaustible source of wisdom. There are several methods to access these Records, such as through sacred prayer, meditation, working with spirit guides, or conducting intuitive study.


There is no single correct way to access the Akashic Records; The method you choose should resonate with you personally. I use the Akashic Prayer that my teacher gave me followed by a meditation. Through experimentation, you can discover what works best for you.


While you don't need formal training to open the Records, it can be beneficial if you feel drawn to it. My teacher, Pilar, has guided me on this journey.


It is important to note that you must be at least 18 years old to access your Records, as younger people are still in the development stage of becoming adults. Additionally, when opening someone else's Akashic Record, you must obtain their permission.


Before accessing the Records, you must avoid using recreational drugs or alcohol for at least 24 hours, although this does not apply to prescription medications.


For those interested in learning how to access their Akashic Records, I offer a guide below.


You are in the right place if:


  • You seek clarity and guidance about your life purpose, past lives, relationships, unique talents, life path, career, future decisions, ancestral wounds, and current obstacles.


  • You want to deepen your connection with your intuition or validate the intuitive messages you receive.


  • You have tried to access your Records before, but feel that you have not been able to connect with your guide fully.


  • You feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information available and are looking for a simple and practical approach to integrating this powerful tool into your life.


  • You want to learn how to read your own Akashic Records.



But, before you begin, keep in mind that the Akashic Records is like having a relationship where it requires your time, energy, and trust to build and maintain a consistent practice. The Records are not a single-use tool, but a sacred resource that invites you to participate in an ongoing and deeper co-creative dialogue.



Preparation for a Reading of the Akashic Records

To effectively access the Akashic Records, it is essential to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Below are some tips to help you prepare:


1. Set a clear intention: Decide what you want to learn or experience while reading. Consider your motivation for accessing the Akashic Records. Write your intention and keep it in mind throughout the session.


2. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. You can light a candle, burn incense, play relaxing music, or use any other tool that helps create a calm and relaxing environment.


3. Clear your energy field and connect to the earth: Use techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, or prayer to calm your mind, center your heart, and connect with your body and the earth.


4. Ask for protection and guidance: Call upon spiritual beings with whom you resonate, such as spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, or deities. Request their protection against negative or unwanted energies and your help in accessing the Akashic Records.


How to Access the Akashic Records Through a Simple Prayer?

One of the easiest and most common ways to access the Akashic Records is through a simple prayer. There are many variations of this prayer, but here is an example that you can use or adapt as you wish:


“I ask for access to my personal Akashic Record. I ask that only information be revealed to me that is for my highest good and is aligned with my soul's purpose. I ask that only beings of love and light help me in this process. I ask that my connection be clear and strong. I ask that my reading be accurate and complete. I ask that all information be provided to me in a way that I can understand and use. I thank everyone who is helping me with this reading.”


As you say this prayer, focus on your intention and feel your heart opening. You can also visualize a door or book opening in front of you, symbolizing your access to the Akashic Records.


Using the Sacred Prayer Method

There is a sacred prayer that is used by many certified mentors and teachers in reading and channeling Akashic Records but it is not published anywhere, that is, you cannot access it unless you contact a certified mentor.


However, there is a variation of a sacred prayer that is open to the public, which is:


“I ask God to place his protective shield of love and truth around me permanently so that only God's love and truth exist between you and me.


I ask my Teachers, Guides, and Loved Ones to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.


I ask the Keepers of the Akashic Records to allow me to open my Records and access any information that is permitted to me.


I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around (say your name) permanently so that only God's love and truth exist between you and me.


I ask the Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones of (say your name) to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.


I ask the Keepers of the Akashic Records to allow me to open the Records (of your name) and access any information I am allowed.”


It is important to say the Holy Prayer out loud once and then repeat it twice more quietly.


After you have done this, repeat the phrase: “My Akashic Records are now open” 3 times.


Now, ask your questions. Remember that you can do a guided meditation before or after saying the prayers and have your notebook nearby to write down. When you finish, you must close your Akashic Records as follows:


“I thank my Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones for the information they have given me today. I also thank the Keepers of the Akashic Records for allowing me to open my records and access information for my highest good.


My Akashic Records are now closed (say it 3 times).”


Using Linda Howe's Prayer

Linda Howe, mentioned above, recommends a specific prayer for accessing these records. This prayer is a crucial part of her teachings and is considered to help prepare the mind to receive guidance.


Howe's prayer is free to use for anyone and can be accessed through her books. Also, I discovered that she has posted a PDF of it here.



What Happens When You Open the Akashic Records?

What Happens When You Open the Akashic Records?


In my experience, opening the Akashic Records caused an immediate energetic shift, although you may or may not feel it. The first month of my practice, this energetic change made me very tired, I really wanted to sleep, it gave me a headache, chills, sweating, a slight stomach pain and no, I was not sick. I understand that what I just described sounds horrible, but it was only at the beginning, now none of that happens to me anymore and like I said, this doesn't happen to everyone.


I suggest doing a short meditation before. Grounding your energy and establishing yourself in the space is crucial before accessing the Records.


When opening the Records, you use the person's full legal name because each name carries a unique vibrational quality.


There are different ways to experience the Records. Some people can see images, colors or auras, while others can perceive visions in their mind, hear voices or feel a deep inner knowing.


Once you feel grounded, you can start asking your questions. Sometimes the information comes right away, while other times, you may have to wait a bit. Practice patience and keep an open mind and heart.


At first, you may feel pressure in your head as the Records open as information flows through the crown chakra at the top of your head. This is normal and usually disappears after a few sessions.


Remember that the Akashic Records offer pure and divine light. They are non-invasive or intrusive and provide only the information that serves your highest good.


When you feel complete and have finished asking your questions, you should close the Records.



Questions to Ask the Akashic Records

Questions to Ask the Akashic Records


When accessing the Akashic Records, there are numerous questions you can explore.


Remember that your Teachers, Lords, and Loved Ones are not fortune tellers and that the reader is not using psychic abilities.


Questions should be open-ended rather than yes/no or should/shouldn't questions. They should start with:


  • How
  • What
  • Why


Since the Records do not operate within the confines of time or space, you cannot ask when something will happen.


For example:


Instead of asking, "When will I find the perfect job?" ask, "What are my unique gifts, talents, and abilities?" or "What obstacles are preventing me from finding my ideal job/career?" and "What can I do to clear and release these blockages?"


Similarly, instead of asking "When will I find my life partner?", you could ask "What blocks should I work on to help me find my life partner?"


Other supporting questions include:


  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What is my biggest limitation and how can I overcome it?
  • At the end of a session, you can ask, "Is there anything I haven't asked or that you would like to share with me?"


It is beneficial to prepare your questions before opening your Records, as once they are open, a lot of information can emerge.


When accessing your own Records, it is also helpful to journal during or after the session to reflect on the guidance you receive.


During readings, I have often discovered that there may be more depth beneath the initial message. You can keep asking for clarification or more information until you feel clear. Remember, Records show potential results based on your current life situation. You always have free will and you can change your path. As you do, the Records will be there to support you on your journey.








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